Monday, April 26, 2010

During this semester I have covered many topics about the blood diamonds in Sierra Leone and the trade that has affected its people in horrific ways one cannot fathom. Many of my entries discuss the history of the trade in this particular area and how the globalization of the trade is makes this market very prominent today. What I would like to focus on in this blog is change and how we as individuals can promote the well being of the people victimized by the greed of these diamonds. They are many different ways one can assist the mission of helping these oppressed people; for example, instead of buying diamonds from random stores one can look into the companies that don’t promote conflict diamonds. In addition, lending a hand or donating to supporting groups that deal specifically with conflict diamonds and the injustice that takes place among the African people. Being that the globalization of the trade extends all over the world it makes it harder for things the change in a broader spectrum, this just means we have a ways to go and success take time. By fighting for what we believe in and promoting such things like the Kimberley Process, which provides “an international governmental certification scheme that was set up to prevent the trade in diamonds that fund conflict; Launched in January 2003, the scheme requires governments to certify that shipments of rough diamonds are free from blood diamonds,” we embed change within the system. We know that these diamonds have progressed violence, weapons, destruction, and injustices of all types throughout this nation and even though on a holistic scale we cannot change the big picture, we can do all that is in our power to help the issues at hand. Buying that diamond is just like torturing the people enslaved behind them, I am not saying do not purchase diamond but lend a hand where it is needed. Do not just sit around and do nothing or issues like these will never cease to exist. I am doing my part are you doing yours?

1 comment:

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